Mason Jar Hax

Hack #1 - Breakaway Booby Trap


  • mason jar
  • hand grenade


  1. First check to make sure that placing the grenade in the mason jar compresses the spoon to hold it in place
    1. If the spoon does not compress, then this won't work
  2. Place the grenade in the mason jar
  3. Remove the pin
  4. Anything that breaks the jar will set off the grenade
    1. Example - door trap
      1. Open a door slightly
      2. Place trash or something small under the door to keep the door from moving to much
        1. You don't want to jam the door
        2. But you don't want the door to open on its own
      3. Balance the mason jar booby trap on top of the door
      4. Make sure that the door has been closed enough so you can't see the jar from the point of entry very well
      5. If you need to make adjustments to the door, take the jar off the door before moving the door
    2. Example - tripwire
      1. Attach the tripwire to the jar
      2. Attach the tripwire to something that moves
      3. Make sure that when the jar is pulled far enough, it will fall onto a hard surface
      4. This could make use of cabinets (fall onto counter and floor), high shelves in closets, etc...

Hack #2 - The Party Jar


  • mason jar
  • black powder, or explosive of choice
  • nails or small scraps of metal
  • fuse
  • drill & drill bit


  1. Drill a hole in the lid of the mason jar
  2. Loosely fill the mason jar with the nails or scraps of metal
  3. Fill the rest of the mason jar with black powder
  4. Put the lid on the mason jar
    1. with your thumb covering the hole in the lid, shake the jar vigorusly
  5. Insert a length of fuse through the lid into the mason jar
  6. Light the fuse at your discretion